

Q1 2021

  • The birth of an idea

  • Team formation

  • The first concepts of the project

  • The first version of the site

Q2 2021

  • Definition of functionality and implementation technologies

  • Approval of the concept of the metaverse

  • The beginning of the creation of the metaverse software architecture

  • Development of first-stage digital assets

Q3 2021

  • Development of an algorithm for generating 3D avatars

  • Starting the generation of 3D avatars

  • Initial assembly of assets into a prototype of the metaverse

Q4 2021

  • Team Expansion

  • Whitepaper Development

  • Development of the algorithm for generating the first NFT collection "voxel crazy head"

  • Generating the "voxel head" collection


Q1 2022

  • Development of digital assets of the second stage

  • Creation and launch of the metaspace

  • Creating and launching the website

Q2 2022

  • Preparation of the MSGT token smart contract

  • Revision of the Whitepaper

  • The beginning of the development of the participant's personal account

Q3 2022

  • Launching Twitter, Discord, Youtube, Telegram

  • Development of a smart contract for the NFT collection "voxel crazy head"

  • Preparation for the sale of the NFT collection "voxel crazy head"

  • Development of the user part of the 3d avatar generation service

  • Development of an algorithm for generating the second NFT collection "voxel crazy body"

  • Development of an algorithm for generating the third NFT collection "voxel crazy leg"

Q4 2022

  • Revision of the NFT collection "voxel crazy head"

  • Deployment of the NFT-collection "voxel crazy head" smart contract

  • Launch of sales of the "voxel crazy head" NFT collection


Q1 2023

  • Launch of the 3d avatar generation service

  • Launch of the MSGT token Smart Contract

  • Launch of the participants' personal account

  • Seed round of the MSGT token sale

  • Development of a smart contract for the NFT collections "voxel crazy head" and "voxel crazy leg"

Q2 2023

  • Debugging your personal account

  • Starting stacking for the first holders

  • Private round of sale of MSGT tokens

  • Deployment of the smart contract of the NFT collections "voxel crazy head" and "voxel crazy leg"

  • Launch of sales of NFT collections "voxel crazy head" and "voxel crazy leg"

Q3 2023

  • Desktop beta version of

  • The beginning of the development of the mobile version

  • The beginning of the development of a bridge to connect with other metaverses

Q4 2023

  • Control audit of a smart contract

  • Public sale and IDO

  • Preparation of algorithms for integration of third-party services

  • Preparation of algorithms for collaborations with large organizations


Q1 2024

  • Launching

  • Error correction, debugging

  • Mobile Beta version

  • Preparing for VR and AR

Q2 2024

  • Attracting large investors

  • Audience Expansion

  • Optimization of desktop and mobile versions

Q3 2024

  • Launching the mobile version

  • VR and AR integration

Q4 2024

  • Active integration of services

  • Expansion of the metaverse

  • Introduction of new technologies and capabilities

Last updated